Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 11, 2009

1st Reds game

Here is what has been going on since Emily turned 4 months.

A couple weeks ago we went over to Grandma and Grandpa's to go swimming in the baby pool. All I can say is that it did not go as well as we all had hoped. Kayla enjoyed the pool but it was too cold for Emily. I was only able to get the bottom of her feet in the water before she started to cry. There are some cute pictures of her in her bathing suit though.

The following weekend Grandma Mack and Uncle Tyler were in town. Everyone went to the Louisville Slugger Factory on Thursday but me because I was working. Brad said Emily did very well and it wasn't until they reached the museum that he realized they did not have her pacifier. Pretty scary to be away from home with out a net but she did fine. Then Friday night we went the Reds game with LBR. Mom invited Tyler and Marilyn to come as well. Unfortunately Emily did not enjoy her first Reds game. It was just too loud and too much going on for her. Brad and I spent most of the game inside trying to keep her happy. We are definitely going to wait a little longer before taking her to another game. Saturday we all headed up to Columbus to be with Brad's family. It was fun and Emily did very well with being passed around to multiple people. Sunday after I got off of work we went over to Grandma and Grandpa's to have dinner with Uncle Jeff and Aunt Kyoko. The Reds game was the first time they had met Emily. They actually got to hold her and see here on Sunday considering we were trapped inside during the game due to Emily's break down. We still love her though.

Emily is starting to talk louder and is able to hold herself up better. I have a video of her that demonstrates both new changes. The other night Emily turned over unto her stomach three times. She hasn't done it since but we thought that was pretty good. I think that's about it for now. Below are pictures and a video.

Typical Emily smile.

Its okay to wear a hat Kayla, look at me.
Plaid pants? Really Mom?
Does Uncle Jeff know how to hold a baby???

Does Kayla ever stopping moving? Hopefully she doesn't run Aunt Kyoko and me over.

Be very quiet. We're hunting kitty.

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