Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 30, 2009

4 months old!!

Time has flown since Emily was born. She had her 4 month check up yesterday. She is 14lbs 6oz and 24.5 inches tall. She is in the 60-70% for her age and doing great. This was the first doctors visit that Emily did not cry the whole time. She actually talked to the doctor and was very calm. That is until she got her shots, but she quickly calmed down once I got her in the car seat and moving.

Here is a picture of her that I took this morning before heading over to Grandma and Grandpa's. They are babysitting her so that I can look at houses.
Memorial Day weekend we went to the zoo which was a lot of fun. We ran into Aunt Cathy, Uncle Brent, and Kayla. Kayla was having a lot of fun as well. It was hot and muggy that day but Emily was very good. She actually fell asleep at one point. We weren't there long so we missed must of the heat for that day and Emily preceded to take a 3 hour nap later that day. Here is a picture of her in the stroller at the zoo and one in the morning before we went to the zoo. She is the leaning tower of Piza.
Ash wanted to go to the zoo as well but we couldn't take her unfortunately.This is how Emily likes to sit sometimes at night when she is fussy. She just talks, farts and drools.
Emily has started playing in her exersaucer this week. Here is a video of her talking and playing in it.

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