Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Trying new things

Just a quick computer update. We have finally fixed our computer so I will be better at posting, I hope. Also I start working next week so that may hamper my postings as well since I won't be home as much to take pictures and videos.

Anyways, here is the stuff you want to hear about. Emily is doing great. She is grabbing a lot more stuff these days. She is very interested at looking around to see everything. She recently rolled over from her stomach to her back and then from her back to her stomach. since then she has never done it again and doesn't even try to roll over.

It is fun to look at the monitor at night because you never know which way she will be facing. Let me just say that it is never the way you placed her in the crib earlier that night. Emily usually will sleep really well through the night but does like to get up at 6:50am every morning regardless of when she got up last which is usually 5:00am. She goes back to sleep she just doesn't want to be in the crib. Sometimes she stays up but usually not. I guess we will have to fix that one day but for now its okay. She's still young.

Emily also had her three month pictures recently. She did really well for 3 being only 3 months old. She actually let us put her in three different outfits, a onesies, a dress, and her diaper. Pretty exciting.

So we have had a babysitter over for 3 days this week and it is working out very well. Emily seems to like her and has no problem with me being gone all day. So when I leave next week for work I won't feel as bad since I know Emily will have fun all day but it will still be hard to leave. Some days I want to go back to work and other days I don't. Oh well, I have to go back to work before my brain goes to mush.

Here is a picture Brad took last night of Emily with one of her new head bands.

Isn't Emily so cute in her little top and skirt outfit. We took her to the Aquarium that day. You really cant see her shirt because of her bib.

Here's Emily posing for the picture.

Emily is starting to fall asleep and was holding on to Brad.

Here she is 2 minutes later passed out.

Below are pictures of the present Grandma Mack gave Emily.

This is a video of Emily trying to roll over, talking, smiling, and looking around all during tummy time.

The video below is of her snoring. Its really low so you will have to turn your volume way up. It was louder in person but the camera did not pick up her snoring very well.

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