Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

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We have started Emily on rice cereal. Her first attempt was not so good. There is a video of it below. But since then she has gotten a lot better. She watches us eat all the time so she is definitely close to wanting really food. They say once a baby starts to take interest in your food that its a sign they are ready to try eating. We tried her in the pool again this Sunday at Aunt Cathy and Uncle Brent's but we had the same result as at the grandparents. There is a video of that below as well. I have also included a video of Emily laughing. She is getting better at laughing all the time. Its so funny to hear her laugh. Here are some pictures as well.

This is the only way Ash lets Emily pet her.

Emily's life is so hard. She got up this morning before 7am. Around 8:30am I started to make her a bottle but she couldn't wait and fell asleep with her duck. What a hard life.

Here's a video of her trying rice cereal.

Here's Brad making Emily laugh before bedtime.

Our second attempt at swimming.

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