Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Raspberries and talking

Sorry for the delay in posting. we have been very busy with buying and moving into a new house. The newest thing that Emily is doing is making raspberries. She really gets her tongue out when she does it and sprays the entire area. She is getting really good at putting her pacifier in her mouth. I only wish she would do it in the middle of the night instead of crying so that Brad or I will do it for her. She is just checking to see if we are still there but after getting up 4- 5 times a night you start to get a little tired. We are not sure if she is teething yet because she does not really show any signs except drooling which she as been doing since she was 3 months. Here are some pictures and some videos. She is changing so much we are trying to capture all the different sounds she makes.

1 comment:

Linda Jones said...

This is the first time we were able to play the video. Pamela and I laughed out loud.

Looking forward to seeing you both!!!