Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

1 month doctor's visit

Sorry I have not posted anything in a while but I was waiting for Emily's one month check up with the pediatrician which was today. Emily weighs in at 10.13lbs and is 21 inches in length. She is in the 88% for her weight and 56% for her length which the doctor says is good. We got a clean bill of health today and the doctor is happy to see how strong Emily is for her age. She is growing so quickly.

Emily is starting to stay up longer during the day which will hopefully continue so that maybe we can get longer intervals at night between feedings. I have to say that Emily does sleep well. She goes about 4 hours between feedings. Here's our "cute little ducky". At least that is what her bib says.

Here is a picture of Emily during tummy time. She is getting so strong.

Put your hands up!! You're under arrest!!

Here's a video of Emily finally enjoying her swing.

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