Emily is changing everyday. She is getting very good at holding her head up and she has a very firm grip. As Brad says she seems to find the few chest hairs he has and pulls them. She is trying to push up with her legs but they are still pretty weak. By the end of the month I am sure she will be able to push herself to a somewhat standing position. By request, here are some more pictures.

This is a picture from last week. It was not very fun trying to get her into the bear suit but she does look adorable in it.

Emily is getting better at playing on her mat. Everyday she will let me leave her on it a little longer. This picture was from Friday.

Emily is checking herself out in the mirror.
Here is Emily and daddy hanging out on the couch. This picture was taking today. I don't want everyone to think that I am just putting outdated pictures of her on the blog. There are some current ones like the picture below.

This is a picture of Emily taking a bath. Below is a video of her taking the same bath. Maybe you will notice the difference. Emily has not gotten used to bath time yet but she will eventually. I think the problem is that we can't put her in the water yet since her umbilical cord has not completely fallen off yet.
She used to sound more like a fog horn but she is growing out of it. More pictures to follow in a few days.