Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, January 5, 2009

36 weeks and counting

Today was the first of several weekly visits for me. The doctor messured my belly, listened to the baby's heart beat and then checked to see if I was dilating. And as I suspected; nothing. So it appears as though our little girl will not be showing herself anytime soon and I will most likely need to be induced. That means a February baby. Heres a picture of me at 36 weeks. I have 4 more weeks to go and possibly an extra one for a total of 41 weeks. I will post another picture right before I deliver.

I am huge compared to a month ago. Sorry no smile. I was tired this morning before work when we took this picture. Next time I will remember to smile. Otherwise everything is going good and I have no real complaints. We are in a holding pattern and we can't wait for her to arrive.

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