Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Sorry for the delay with posting. We have not had Internet access for a week now.

Easter was a lot of fun. We went over to Grandma and Grandpa Rosenberger's house. Brad and I got to take a quick nap while we were there. Emily enjoyed seeing her cousin Kayla. She was all smiles at Kayla. Here are some Easter pictures.

This pictures shows how much fun Emily had on Easter. She was pooped.

Grandma Mack came out for a visit this past weekend. We went to the Zoo and hung out all weekend. Here are some pictures of us at the zoo. It was nice having Grandma out for a visit.

Here is a picture of Emily trying out her Bumbo. She is still too little but it was cute.

I love the duck head on her butt. I just had to get a picture of this before she grew out of these Pj's.

Here is an updated video of Emily during tummy time. She actually hits one of her toys with her head!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Big steps

Emily is becoming more active all the time. She is talking more and is starting to notice a lot more things. Unfortunately this new awareness has lead to random screaming fits. They don't last long but are still difficult to listen to. She is getting better with holding her head up. Hopefully she will be able to hold her head on her own by the end of the month. Emily currently likes to be sitting up or standing or being held vertically in your arms as you walk her around the house. She does not let you sit for every long anymore.

I think we have figured out the correct amount of Karo she needs. Emily has been on 1 tsp 3X a day for two days now and has pooped two days in a row. She used to only go every other day and it was hard. Now she has soft bowl movements. Hooray for Emily!!!

Here is a picture of Emily right before she threw up all over her outfit. She was only in it for about 5 minutes. Below is a picture of me with my niece Kayla. I think Kayla is going to be a hair dresser some day. Just look at my beautiful hair-do she gave me.

Here is a video of Kayla playing nicely with Emily while Emily is in her bouncer.

Now Kayla is helping Emily rock her bouncer. This was very nice of Kayla since Emily is not strong enough to do it herself. This video definitely shows that Kayla will teach Emily many things while they are growing up. Most likely she will teach Emily things she should not be doing. I only say that because we have all determined that Kayla is going to be trouble maker when she is older and is going to make sure her cousin and siblings are as mischievous as her.

Friday, April 3, 2009

More videos

Here are some pictures and videos for your pleasure. Emily is starting to talk and smile a lot more these days. She has also started lying on her side and likes to snuggle up against you when you hold her. She likes to fall asleep in that position. Emily also sleeps pretty well at night giving us at least one 5 hour stretch a night.
Here is a picture of Emily lying in her stroller before we went on a walk with her Aunt Cathy and cousin Kayla.

I told Emily it was rude to stick her tongue out but she just laughed at me as the picture below shows.