Today Emily had her 18 month check-up. She is now 22.36 lbs and 31.25 inches. She stayed in the same percentages as last her 15 month check (19 for weight and 33 for height). She did very well and did not cry that much. She did have to get a shot but just one. Shaun had is 2 month check-up today. He is 13.41 lbs and 24 inches. He went up almost 2 lbs in one month and grew another inch. Compared to Emily he is about where she was at 4 months. The question is whether he will stay at this rate and be big or will he slow down like Emily did. Only time will tell.
We are leaving for Florida tomorrow. Below are pictures and a video of Shaun talking. Sorry the delay in posting. It's busy around here with 2 kids which many of our friends know. Emily is learning more words ever day. She likes to point the birds and planes in the sky. She also says animal sounds whenever she sees that animal. We were in the grocery store the other day in the pet food isle and every time she saw a cat she would say meow. It was funny. Shaun is more awake these days and is cooing and smiling more. He still has all his hair as you can see in the pictures.