Sorry for the delay in posting but we have had some computer problems. When we returned from vacation we realized our computer had a virus which took a couple of days to find and remove. Then we had problems with our Internet which I fixed today.
Well in August we went to my parents' place in Florida for 2 weeks. It was a lot of fun but really hot. The Johnsons and our friend Nathan were there for the first 5 days of our stay. We all went to the beach and then Busch Gardens. Brad's mom came out to visit the last week we were there so she could hang out with the kids. Her and my dad were kind enough to watch the two for a day so Brad and I could go to the Miami Zoo. It's a big zoo and was pretty cool to see. Emily enjoyed the pool at my parents' place but it took her 4 times to really enjoy the ocean. She screamed the first time and Brad held her most of the time. The second time the sand was okay but she was not happy with the water. The third time we did not put her in her bathing suit and of course that was the day she decided she liked the ocean. There is a video of her playing in the ocean at the bottom. The fourth time was a piece of cake for Emily.
Shaun has changed a lot since our last post. He has started to roll over, talks, smiles a lot, and can hold his head up pretty good. He prefers to be sitting or standing and doesn't always care for laying down. He is getting big and will soon be out of his 3 month clothes. So far he still fits but some outfits are pretty tight.
When we got back from vacation my mom gave us her tickets to the Reds game so the three of us could go out on a special night without Shaun. On Labor Day we watched the fireworks on TV. Emily loved them. She kept asking for more and saying "wooo". She had enjoyed the fireworks at the Reds game so we were sure she would like these. There is a video of her watching the fireworks below.
Here's Marilyn and Emily looking outside. That's Emily's favorite new word and place. When she wakes up she immediately says outside. Its funny.

Marilyn getting a slobbery wet kiss from a crying Shaun.

Emily at the beach. This is her 4th time at the beach. No tears.

This is her third time. See no bathing suit. That was our mistake.

Brad and Shaun hanging out at the beach.

Grandma and Emily in the pool.

This was Emily's 2nd try at the beach.

Aren't they so cute?

Zoe and Emily on the train at Busch Gardens;

Grandpa and Emily in the pool.

That's a big baby.

Emily at the Reds game when we got home from vacation.

Emily using Shaun's chair and pacifier.

Emily's special night with mom and dad at the Reds game without Shaun.