Here is a picture of Emily trying out her Bumbo. She is still too little but it was cute.
I love the duck head on her butt. I just had to get a picture of this before she grew out of these Pj's.
Here is a picture of Emily right before she threw up all over her outfit. She was only in it for about 5 minutes. Below is a picture of me with my niece Kayla. I think Kayla is going to be a hair dresser some day. Just look at my beautiful hair-do she gave me.
Here is a video of Kayla playing nicely with Emily while Emily is in her bouncer.
Now Kayla is helping Emily rock her bouncer. This was very nice of Kayla since Emily is not strong enough to do it herself. This video definitely shows that Kayla will teach Emily many things while they are growing up. Most likely she will teach Emily things she should not be doing. I only say that because we have all determined that Kayla is going to be trouble maker when she is older and is going to make sure her cousin and siblings are as mischievous as her.