Friday, March 27, 2009
2 month checkup
We just got back from the doctor's. Emily is now 11lbs 13oz and 23 inches. She is in the 80% in weight and 70% in height. The doctor says she is very healthy and was glad to hear that she is eating about 3.5oz 8 times a day. She took the Tylenol with no problem but did cry during the visit as she always does. She apparently liked the rhoto virus which is given orally. She screamed during her shots which is typical but shortly after she was sleeping in her carrier. The doctor suggested Karo for her since she does have hard stools. Hopefully this will help and she will have a movement more than every two days. Well that's all the news for today. Go Arizona!!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Videos and pictures
This Friday is Emily's 2 month check up so I will update the blog then and let you know how much she has grown. She also has to have her first set of shots so we will see how that goes.
Here are some pictures of Emily. I just had to show everyone how tiny her feet are. I just think it is the cutest thing. Thats my hand if anyone is wondering. Not Brad's.

Here is one of her famous smiles. Its not the biggest smile she has but it is a good one.
Emily is dressed and ready to cheer on Arizona as they play their first game in the March Madness.
Here are some pictures of Emily. I just had to show everyone how tiny her feet are. I just think it is the cutest thing. Thats my hand if anyone is wondering. Not Brad's.
Here are a couple of videos. The first on is of her smiling and playing in her bouncer. We just started her in the bouncer last week. The second video is a quick one of her talking. I am trying to get a better one of her but she is camera shy.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Week 7 and still kicking
We are now at week 7 and Emily is doing very well. She is starting to stay up longer during the day. She has discovered the mobile on her swing and enjoys watching her little friends spin around above her head. She is also doing very well with holding her head up. It will be nice when Emily is able to steady her head on her own. Then we can break out the Bumbo and see how she does. Today Emily repeatedly hit the rattle hanging from her floor mat as though she meant to do that. It was very exciting and I'm sure it was just a coincidence. It would be great if it wasn't but I'm sure it was. We will see tomorrow if her eye and hand coordination is still there. Emily is starting to give us bigger and bigger smiles everyday. I have tried to get a picture of one of these smiles but have failed so far. I will keep trying so that everyone will have the chance to enjoy one of her toothless grins.
Here is a picture of Emily and me on St. Patrick's Day. There are very few pictures of us together so I figured Brad could take a picture of me with Emily all dressed up for the holiday.
Here is the first picture of Emily with her Aunt.
Here is the first picture of Grandma with Emily and Kayla (Emily's cousin). As you can see Kayla is still determining whether she likes the new addition or not. Hopefully she will start to like Emily since she will have a little sister in a few months.
Here is Emily lounging around the house. Looks as though she should have a drink in her hand after the long hard day she has had which consisted of eating, sleeping and playing occasionally.
These are just some pictures of Emily sitting around.
This is a little smirk she gave me. I was trying to get the huge smile she gave me but no dice.
I would like to think that Emily is pondering the great mysteries of the world in this picture but that would just be ridiculous. She is most likely contemplating why mommy has a shiny metal thing on her face. Eventually Emily will realize that shiny metal thing is a camera and not a deformity on mommy.
Here is a picture of Emily and me on St. Patrick's Day. There are very few pictures of us together so I figured Brad could take a picture of me with Emily all dressed up for the holiday.
Friday, March 13, 2009
More pictures
Emily is now 6 weeks old and is improving on lifting her head and talking every day. Below are pictures of her taken today at 6 weeks old. She is getting better at hitting the rattles hanging from her play mat.

Here is Emily with Grandpa Rosenberger.
Here is Kayla, Emily's cousin, sneaking up on Grandpa and Emily. But Kayla is a very loud talker so she really can't sneak up on anyone.
This is just another picture of Emily taken a week ago.
Here is a video of Emily during tummy time. She only lasted about a minute this time but is getting better at tummy time. We place her on our stomachs all the time which also counts as tummy time.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Exciting news
I just had tell everyone that Emily had a very uneventful bath time. She did not cry or fuss at all. She just sat there and let me wash her in silence. I am so proud of her and can't wait to give her another bath. I will post pictures another day.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Family and a baptism
This past weekend was a very busy weekend for Emily and us. Brad's family was in town to see Emily for the first time. Marilyn (Brad's mom) and Tom arrived Thursday night and we all went to dinner. Emily did very well at the resturant. No crying fits. That Friday we showed Tom and Marilyn downtown Cincinnati and then picked up his brother Tyler at the airport. That night we had dinner with people Marilyn knows. Emily had a rough night that night. She cried for an hour straight. Saturday we went to the Aquarium in the morning and then went to the shower for Emily at my parents' place. She was a little cranky there as well. I think she had been too stimulated and so was a bit overwhelmed by everything. We ended up just having a very relaxing evening hanging out at my parents' after everyone left. That night I gave her a bath and she did better but she still cried through the whole thing. Sunday was the baptism. Emily slept through the entire event. The twins getting baptised with us were funny though. The little boy cried and had snot bubbles coming out of his nose. It was hard for us not to laugh.
Here's when Emily was getting the oil placed on her head. Aunt Cathy and Uncle Brent are the godparents so they were standing with us at the fountain.
That was our eventful weekend. Marilyn and Tom went home Monday and Tyler went home Tuesday. It was a great weekend. Oh yeah, Emily did even better Tuesday night when I gave her another bath. She did not cry while I was putting lotion on her but she still cried through the bathing part. I'm hoping she starts to like bath time soon. The neighbors must think we are killing her when I bath her.
Other news, Emily is changing all the time. She is starting to be more alert during the day. She does not always cry when we change her clothes and diapers. Also she is starting to make cooing sounds. It's cute when she makes her little noises. She smiles alot and sometimes she will smile when you smile at her but I still think it is pretty random. Here are some pictures.
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