Emily had her first Christmas. We all went over to my parents house on the 20th to celebrate. Emily got some fantastic toys. She loves the car Grandma and grandpa Rosenberger gave her. She loves for us to push her around the house. She also really loves the kitchen that Grandma Mack bought her. I clean it up after she goes down for a nap and then she loves to throw everything on the floor when she wakes up. Emily is getting closer to walking. She will walk with her car or if you are holding her hands. It won't be long now. I almost forgot, Emily is feeding herself now. She can hold her own bottle and her water bottle. Its kind of fun to watch her feed herself. Here are pictures of Christmas and some other random ones.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Vacation and Festival of Lights
We recently went on vacation with Grandma Mack and Tom. The first destination was Atlanta, GA so Brad could dive with the shark whales. Emily had a lot of fun looking at the jelly fish. Then we headed out to meet up with Brad's cousin Amy and her two kids. Emily ate a pickle and crackers for the first time at lunch that day. It was nice to see them again. Next stop was Savannah, SC. That was a neat town. We went to two plantations, a couple house, the slave mart, and Ft. Sumter. We made a quick stop at Hilton Head where Emily got to see her first ocean. The last stop was Amelia, FL. We stayed at Grandma Mack's friends' house. It was nice and Emily crawled up her first stairs there. On the way back Brad, Emily and I stopped by the Tennessee Aquarium. Here are pictures from the vacation.

This past weekend we went to the Festival of Lights at the Cincinnati Zoo with, Cathy, Brent, Zoe, Kayla, Brian, Nikki, Ellie, and Nathan. It was a lot of fun but very cold. Here are a couple of pictures.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Halloween and 9 month check up
Emily is now 9 months old and not getting so big. HA HA HA! Emily had her 9 month check this past Friday and cried as usually. She only got one shot and a finger prick but she still cried like a little baby. She is now 17.76 lbs and 27.5 inches tall. She gained 2 lbs and grew 1.5 inches since her 6 month visit. That puts her in the 29% for weight and 47% for height. This past Thursday we also had her 9 month photos which did not go as well as planned. Here are some of the pictures.

Halloween was a lot of fun. we went over to Aunt Cathy and Uncle Brent's house to play with Zoe and Kayla. We tried to get some fall pictures but it did not go to well. Kayla was distracted by the dogs down the street and Emily just wanted to pull Kayla's hair. Here are some pictures of the girls and Emily in her costume. Below is a video of Emily crawling in her costume. It was so cute!! I think you will agree.
Emily (dronkey), Zoe (lobster) and Kayla (peacock)
Emily figured out how to crawl under the table and stand up. All that without bumping her head and getting stuck.
She likes to stick out her tongue now so I had to get a picture of it.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Sorry for the late post but we have been busy. Emily is now really good at pulling herself up, standing while holding on and getting down on her own. She used to look at the ground then back up trying to decide how to get down. Then she would finally let go and would cry a little from hitting her butt. Now she bends her knees and sits down very nicely. She is also cruising. For those of you who don't know what that is its when a baby walks while holding on to something. I have a video of her crawling, pulling herself up and cruising. Since the house is now baby proof we like to call the area where Emily hangs out baby jail. I have a video of her in baby jail and some pictures. Other than that nothing much is going on. We got her Halloween costume and Emily is going to be a dronkey. That is one of donkey's and dragon's babies from Shrek. Emily can clap now. For some reason it took her awhile to pick it up. She's not perfect at it yet but is getting there. Also she stood all on her own for about 10 seconds the other night. It was great to see. She got so excited to see Ash that she just let go of Brad and stood there.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
mobile and traveled baby
Sorry for the delay in posting but we have been busy. Emily is now crawling with the best of them. She is trying to pull herself up as well. She has succeed once pulling herself up on my leg. Emily is good at standing when she is holding on to something. She is getting bigger but she is still small for her size. We will see next month how she has grown since her 6 month visit. It also seems as though she is going to sprout her two bottom teeth at the same time.
We recently went on vacation to South Dakota. Emily did really well flying. She did not scream at all. In fact on the last flight home she was asleep before we took off and did not wake up until after we landed. She takes after her mom when it comes to flying. Grandma and Grandpa Rosenberger were with us on the vacation. Emily enjoyed hanging out with them all week. The cottage we were in was very rustic. It smelled like sulfur for the first 5 days when ever you used the hot water, but the smell finally went away. The walls were so thin you could hear the TV perfectly when you took a shower. It was really funny. We all had fun though and were just happy to be on vacation. We saw herds of buffalo in Custer Park and antelopes. It is really pretty in South Dakota.
Here's Emily on her first plane.

Emily and Grandma at Sylvan Lake.
Brad and Emily at Crazy Horse. Emily will probably never see this completed in her lifetime either. I have seen it twice now and in 18 years it has not changed that much. We were able to see a blasting at Crazy horse which knocked off 3000 tons of rock.
Emily rockin' it out in her car seat.
Us at Mt. Rushmore.
The Badlands.
Hanging out at Wall's Drug store in Wall, SD.
Me feeding a burro.
Emily at Bear country. We saw tons of bears, a white buffalo, pregnant donkey, and about 8 bear cubs.

Mt. Rushmore at night.

Deadwood, SD

Emily in Grandpa's hat.
Hanging out in the shopping cart and at home.

Here are a couple of videos. One of Emily at the airport on the way home and of bath time last night.
We recently went on vacation to South Dakota. Emily did really well flying. She did not scream at all. In fact on the last flight home she was asleep before we took off and did not wake up until after we landed. She takes after her mom when it comes to flying. Grandma and Grandpa Rosenberger were with us on the vacation. Emily enjoyed hanging out with them all week. The cottage we were in was very rustic. It smelled like sulfur for the first 5 days when ever you used the hot water, but the smell finally went away. The walls were so thin you could hear the TV perfectly when you took a shower. It was really funny. We all had fun though and were just happy to be on vacation. We saw herds of buffalo in Custer Park and antelopes. It is really pretty in South Dakota.
Here's Emily on her first plane.
Here are a couple of videos. One of Emily at the airport on the way home and of bath time last night.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
contemplating crawling
Well Emily has started to attempt crawling. She isn't getting any where currently but you can see it on her face that she wants to go somewhere. She's doing a lot better with sitting up by herself. She can now scout herself around in a circle while sitting, get back up to a sitting position when she's on her belly and get up on her hands and knees. She is talking more and more everyday. I think mama will be her first word since she already makes the "ma" sound. Emily now eats carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, and green beans. We tried bananas and peas but she just doesn't have the taste buds for them yet. Emily and I went to our first Pampered Chefs party ever. It was fun. Someone commented on how small Emily is for her age. I guess I need to see her next to another 6 month old to understand how small she is. But I guess when a 4 month old is bigger than you it must mean that you are small. Its cute that is she small but it does make it hard trying to buy clothes for the future because I am not sure what size she will need. She is still in most of her 3-6 months but can wear her 6 months clothes even though they are lose on her.
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